Monday, September 5, 2011
Looking Back on August:
Current Matters: September:
Current Prayer Requests - Sept
• Anneke and Mikki’s travels to South Africa
• For wisdoms for the doctors to give valuable and helpful information
• For the girls to start/continue with the follow up and discipleship. For wisdom for us as to how to help them with that
• For the training center students to come with the right attitude. For wisdom to lead them.
• For the Living Hope Church and wisdom to shepherd His flock His way
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Looking back at July
Looking back at July
Looking Back at July
Current Prayer Requests- Aug
Monday, June 6, 2011
Racism is here!!!????
Current Matters - New Church Members
We are happy to announce that this last Sunday we had a meeting with a couple and one gal. They have expressed a desire to become members of our church and for us to hold them accountable as to their spiritual growth. We are excited to have them join us. They are excited about serving the Lord and have been doing it for quite some time now at various places in the past.
Current Matters - Camp ministry
Current Matters - Upward

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Current Matters - World Racers
Current Matters - Us
Current Prayer Requests - June
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dear friends and family!
It has been a wonderful month in many ways. Let me share briefly what the Lord has been up to here in
Looking back on April
Looking back on April
Looking back on April
Looking back on April
Current Matters - April
Current Prayer Requests - April
Please pray for the preparations to the camps, recruiting campers and for more native speakers to come
Please pray for us as a team and as a church while we make transition while the Huffmans prepare to leave.
Please pray for strength for us as we continue with little sleep while weaning Mikki
Monday, April 11, 2011
Dear family and friends
Dear family and friends:
The Lord has blessed us with a busy and a wonderful month. So let me share with you what He has been doing in us, with us, through us and despite us.
Looking back on March
English Outreach:
From the 12th of March till the 20th we had a team from Clear Lake, Iowa come and serve to us and with us (us meaning the Church) and that was exciting. The Lord opened up many doors like HIV center, facility for taking care of the HIV affected individuals and families and also the doors of the public schools. We had programs there and used them to invite people to the American Clubs in the evenings. God has exceeded our expectations by bringing a large number of people to evening American Clubs where the team members got to share the Gospel in a form of an interview. We were excited about it since it made the Gospel presentation more of a relational rather than informative only. People seemed to respond well and some would want to learn more and some agreed to having a Bible Study together. That was just exciting. It was a great encouragement for us to see how the Church and the team worked together for the sake of the Gospel serving each other with the gifts the Lord has given to them. It was a blessing to see the Lord at work.
Looking Back on March
Mikki’s eye and the staff conference:
On the 20th of March we took a trip to Arkadiy’s hometown to apply for the visa for Slovakia in order to go to the staff conference. While waiting for the visa applications to be processed we did most of our “doctor visits”. The eye doctor said the Mikki will need another incision to be done on his eye. So, we did it and praise the Lord, the eye looks the best we have ever seen it! We are grateful!
The staff conference went well and it was a good time of visiting with friends who are serving the Lord in various parts of the world. It was an encouragement to hear about the Lord’s work worldwide.
Current Matters - March
Personal challenge/reminder:
This past month we have been challenged and reminded of the great need that is around us and which is hidden by others presuming that no one cares. So often people would choose to say I am fine, even though they are not, and we choose to believe this answer, just because it is convenient! I sat next to a girl, member of our Church, at the English Club and thought I would “bug” her with questions as to how she is. I was shocked and overwhelmed. She seemed to be well and happy and once asked intentionally she shared that her family has gone through the divorce this passed year, father moved out and what a traumatic experience it was for her. It was going on for one year, and I had no idea! I choose to be satisfied with “I am fine” answer through out the year and was missing an opportunity to be intentionally loving and caring for that sheep.
I was humiliated by this challenge but I am grateful for it. What about you? People you see daily and weekly, most of them are hurting in some way (the fact that they seem fine, doesn’t mean they are), what will you choose to do about it?
Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.