Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Answered Prayers

Answered prayers!!!
Please pray for us to finish well with the basketball/English camp.
The Basketball camp went great! As far as Anneke and I are concerned it was the best basketball camp out of the all three we have done so far.
Please pray for our one-on-one meetings that we have and the people we meet with.
Meeting with people has been good and it looks like we will be meeting with more people.
Please pray that God would continue to grow the Church.
Church has grown in quality and quantity. We were able to see few people start taking risks and getting involved in different ministries.
Please pray for wisdom with the BTI.
BTI is going well. The groups that are coming have been consistent, and they show a desire to learn and change.
Please pray for the follow up of the Basketball/English camps.
Please keep praying. The soccer league that we started is one of the follow up tools. We are hoping that the Lord will use it and we will be able to follow up with the kids from the basketball camp.
Please pray for our trip to Poland for the annual IM conference that Anneke would be able to handle the traveling well.
The trip and the conference went well. Traveling was really hard on Anneke. Probably this trip was the last long distance trip until the baby is born.

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