Sunday, July 6, 2008


Overall the month of June has been a good month. On the 7th of June we went to Armyansk to explore the possibility of serving together with the local Church that Artem Kurdov comes from. On the way there we stopped and visited the family of one of the guys whom our team serves. His family lives in the nature reserve and it was just nice to be there. From there we rushed to Armyansk to get to a meeting with the pastors of the local church. What a surprise it was to us to know that the pastor of this church went to the Bible School in South Africa! Few other pastors have been to South Africa as well, serving together with the Churches there. Also it turned out to be that we have a lot of common friends with them as well. What a pleasant surprise! We discussed the possibility of their church members attending the Missionary Training Center and a possibility of the students to go through their internship at the rehab center that the Church (in Armyansk) has; helping and discipling former alcoholics and drug addicts.

1st:Our team in front of the famous park at the nature reserve
2nd:Our team in Armyansk (with the pastors of the church)
3rd:Arkadiy and Anneke :)

In the month of June we went to the school where we had the basketball camp and offered them some help at a day camp that they have been having. They let us come 2 times each week to help them! It went well! They are opening up more and more to cooperate with us and we will see what God has in mind as far as this relationship.

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