Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanksgiving- November

Celebrating with our American missionary friends, we were truly thankful
Thank you to our hosts, Dawn and Butch (the couple below) for their open hearts! :)

Arkadiy's Mom Came to Visit:

Arkadiy's mom came to visit us for a week! It was wonderful!

Guys Soccer- November

The guys soccer:

American English Center- Photos

God opened the doors for Anneke to start working and serving six hours a week at a secular English school! It provides great opportunities to build relationships with people and minister to them.

IMM- International Mission Mentory School

GRADUATION! Congratulations students!!!!

Orphanage- November

Our time at the Orphanage in Prednistrovy :)

Discipleship- November

Dasha and Katya are two of the three girls that Anneke meets with once a week.

English Club- November

The English Club:

Small groups, fun interactive games, building relationships, and sharing about what God has done in our lives!

Bible Study - November

Meet our Bible Study group :) Some of you might recognize some of the students from camp. On the left is Alyosha, who became a believer at camp. :)

You might also recognize Ira, in the stripy shirt, she still has not made a public confession for Christ, so please keep praying for her.

Pictures of the Church - November

Pictures of the church that the Huffman's and us are busy planting in our neighbourhood...