Saturday, April 3, 2010

Looking Back at March

Serving together with the team from Iowa:
We had a team from Iowa serve with us from the 12th till the 21st of March. What a wonderful time it was! The Lord put together a great team. As a team we served together at the Christian University and at the local school in our neighborhood. It was a wonderful time of serving.
On Thursday a part of the team which was at school got kicked out. The principle of the school knew that we were sharing the Gospel during the basketball program however she chose to close her eyes to that fact since no one complained. But on Wednesday a grandfather of one of the kids called a local TV station to come and cover a story as to how the kids are being “brainwashed” by “westerners”. The school did not let the TV guys in but they “evacuated” us through the back door and told us not to come back to do the program again. The teachers apologized profusely for what had happened but could do nothing to stop the principle from making this decision. Up to that point we had already shared the Gospel with 200-300 kids and were very grateful to the Lord for letting us have that privilege.
Altogether we had a wonderful time of serving together as the “Living Hope” Church from Odessa (church we are busy planting) and the Church from Clear Lake, Iowa. What a joy to see Churches come together and working alongside for the sake of the Gospel.

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